Montag, 14. Dezember 2009
Go Panic!'s Debut "Big Man" now available as Digital EP
For those who missed to shop Go Panic!'s "Big Man" as a physical EP there is now a chance to purchase this great piece of music in digital form.
Check following links:
iTunes US Preview Go Panic! "Big Man"
Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2009
Kristina Hanses performs her first Gig in Germany
At the BALLHAUS OST amSTARt is celebrating 10 years of promoting bands in Berlin plus the release of Berlin Songs Vol.3 - Compilation.
Listen to Kristina Hanses "Debut" in full lenght PinkOrange Records Listening
Kristina Hanses spielt ihren ersten Gig in Deutschland
Im BALLHAUS OST feiert amSTARt 10 jähriges Wirken in Berlin und die Releaseparty der Berlin Songs Vol.3 - CD/Sampler.
In Kristina Hanses "Debut" in voller Länge anhören kann man hier PinkOrange Records Listening
Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2009
Sonntag, 29. November 2009
Montag, 2. November 2009
Go Panic! - Panic Attack on Your Ears - Feed for Your Soul
Four number one hits, outsold venues and their band Perez as one of the most successful South African bands ever – these are the little nothings, which Nic and Adam decided to leave behind themselves in 2003.
It was time for them to expand their possibilities, to go beyond the limitations of the small African market for rock music. So the two close friends left home and crossed the borders to Europe.
They started "Go Panic!“ – an indie-rock band with a unique sound and a fresh and inventive songwriting.
"Go Panic!“ is a band with musicians from South Africa, Australia, USA, Italy and Germany. They convince their audience with vivid and complex melodies and make them rock – without any limits and compromises.
As if David Bowie would invite the Pixies over for dinner.
Listen! Dance! Listen! Dance!
The songs talk about significant, edgy experiences of life – borned by the unconventional and expressive voice of Nic. They remind a bit of Placebo or Muse – if comparisons are allowed.
3 out of 4 songs of the debut EP "Big Man“ charted on numerous online music sites and have received heavy rotation on various radio stations in Germany.
In winter 2005, while the band was still at the studio working on their follow up album "Go Panic", the Physical EP "Big Man“ was released in one go with the 7“ Vinyl Single "Big Man” - and is available as Digital EP now.
Listen @ MySpace
Freitag, 30. Oktober 2009
Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009
Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2009
Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009
Montag, 7. September 2009
Kristina Hanses Download Stores (Links Germany)
Sonntag, 23. August 2009
Kristina Hanses - Especially Me (official promo)
Rodrigo Pardo - track 6 of Kristina´s "Debut" is a real guy and he made a real promo clip for Song No.1 on the album!
Buy the album @ iTunes Store
Dienstag, 18. August 2009
Kristina Hanses - Full Album Prelistening
Sich auf das "Debut" von Kristina Hanses schon mal warmhören!
"Debut", de Kristina Hanses. Álbum prelistening ahora!
Montag, 13. Juli 2009
Tracklisting Kristina Hanses "Debut"
- 01 Especially Me
- 02 Life
- 03 Decoy
- 04 Dance So Fast
- 05 Mum
- 06 Rodrigo Pardo
- 07 Piece Of Art
- 08 Mr. Italy
- 09 Damned
- 10 The Instruction Song
- 11 My Right Arm
- 12 Fucking Amsterdam
Artist:Kristina Hanses
Poducer: Andrew Cane
Label: PinkOrange Records
LC 14477
Release: August/21/2009
Cat. Nr.: POR-LP 011
EAN: 4260129170046 (DIGI)
Artwork: Michael Daiminger

Montag, 6. Juli 2009
PinkOrange Records @ Facebook
PinkOrange Records started a Facebook page.
If you are on Facebook too, come and join us.
This is the adress:
Not very elegant, we know. But hopefully, Facebook will make it easier on us, one day.
You don't have a Facebook account yet?
You should start now.
Register at Facebook
Sonntag, 5. Juli 2009
Facebook Event for Kristina Hanses

Check the Facebook event created for Kristina`s album release.
Be part of it!
Confirm and post to the wall.
Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2009
Pressrelease Kristina Hanses
Sonntag, 24. Mai 2009
I feel save and warm in this AC/DC family!
There is magic in the air, here in Hockenheim. I feel that this is going to be a FESTIVAL!!!
Tents all over the place. This must be the biggest camping ground in Europe. Everyone is on the ball, looking forward to be part of this great live music event.
Samstag, 23. Mai 2009
New Song "Hi Kick" by Claudia Cane uploaded!!!
Listen to the radio edit of "Hi Kick" on MySpace now.
AC/DC Tour Diary Hockenheim (deutsch)
Category: Music
Magic all over, man merkt es schon, wenn man in den Hockenheimring reinfährt...das wird ein Fest-ival!!!
Die Leute campen hier, sind gut drauf...haben Bock auf Livemusic...Buden um den ganzen Platz aufgestellt...alles easy...alles peace...
read more
Freitag, 22. Mai 2009
Claudia cane Tour Diary Cologne
Even, that the arena wasn´t crowded out, as in our 2001 gig with AC/DC (which was wicked), we got pretty good reactions from the audience at the front ranks. We had fun to rock with them.
read more
Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2009
Claudia Cane AC/DC Tour_Diary_Köln_deutsch
Wir sind im wunderschönen Köln, alles ist grün rund um die Arena. Im Hotel treffe ich alte Bekannte, Musiker, mit denen ich in Hamburg vor langer Zeit Musik gemacht habe.
Heute is wieder alles easy. Die Jungs der AC/DC Crew geben uns wieder Ihren vollen Support. Der Sound war heute sehr geil auf der Bühne...vor allem laut:)) Jeff is the best!!!! He knows Robert Bohner, Mr. Andrew Cane´s Ex- Room, Party and Band mate.
read more
Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2009
Bilder/Pictures AC/DC Tour
Es gibt noch zusätzliche Tourberichte und Bilder der aktuellen AC/DC Tour.
Montag, 18. Mai 2009
"The Cane" supporting AC/DC Tour Diary for Veltins Arena/Gelsenkirchen
This is a amazing venue. They take off the lawn with guide rails to let do the AC/DC fans their partying.
Very relaxed vibes between all the workers (stagehands,technicians and light guys). All of them are cool guys here in Gelsenkirchen.
Our backstage is located at the media room of famous soccer club Schalke 04.
We will upload some funny pics tomorrow.
Line-(sound)check gets shorter each day, there is routine now.
Today we will rock the crowd really hot - they are screeching while we enter stage.
The sound is just perfect tonight and we got our Logo as a backdrop at the stage finally.
Marcel Avram(the promoter) and the AC/DC crew were glowing as we get off stage.
We met Brian Johnson..s, brother, who is does the tour catering. The brothers are very much alike, very kind and amusing. Serious family business...
Angus guitar-tech showed me all guitars of the master. He..s Japanese and has been touring with Bon Jovi, prince and some other cats.
read more
Tour Diary zur “AC/DC Black Ice Tour” Update
Claudia Cane verfasst ihr Tourtagebuch zur aktuellen Tour nun auch in deutsch. Der erste Beitrag in deutscher Sprache ist zum gestrigen Gig in der Veltins Arena in Gelsenkirchen verfasst.
Veltins Arena
Was für eine geile Arena, der Rasen wird per Schienen rausgefahren, um für die ACDC Fans platz zu machen!
Coole Leute arbeiten im Ruhrpott, alle sehr relaxt, kein Stress…wir haben unseren Umkleideraum im Presseraum von Schalke 04…witzige Fotos kommen noch!”
Linecheck wird immer kürzer:)) wir rocken heute geil, das Stadion is voll…die Leute kreischen, als wir auf die Bühne gehen!!! unglaublich geiler sound heute…
wir haben sogar einen Schriftzug von Claudia Cane auf der Bühne!!
The english version will be published later on today
Freitag, 15. Mai 2009
Claudia Cane Band Tour Diary AC/DC
Leipzig is a wonderful city without fir trees which is much more common in Bavaria.
The stage is smaller than it was at the 2001 tour, so it´s easier to get a good sound on stage and therefore the sound check went very well.
After sound check we had some fresh fruits for refreshing.
Today day we didn´t see the guys of AC/DC, but we will meet them probably in Munich.
Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009
Cane supports AC/DC on Black Ice Open Air Tour 2009
Claudia Cane Band, formerly known as "Cane" is supporting AC/DC on their Black Ice Open Air Tour 2009 in Germany.
PinkOrange Records will release the brand new single "Hi Kick" for the tour.
Stay tuned for further informations.
13.5. Leipzig – Zentralstadion – sold out!
15.5. München – Olympiastadion – sold out!
17.5. Gelsenkirchen – Veltins Arena – new ticket available!
19.5. Köln – RheinEnergieStadion - new ticket available!
22.5. Hockenheim – Hockenheimring - new ticket available!
24.5. Wien – Ernst-Happel-Stadion – sold out!
Heisser geht es nicht!
Claudia Cane Band, vormals "Cane" supported AC/DC auf ihrer Black Ice Open Air Tour 2009 in Deutschland.
PinkOrange Records veröffentlicht die Single "Hi Kick" zur Tour.
Mehr Infos folgen bald.
Montag, 20. April 2009
Kristina Hanses live @ The Waterhole
20/06/2009 9:00 PM@The Waterhole
Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 49, Amsterdam,
Cost: FREE
Freitag, 3. April 2009
Kristina Hanses hat eine deutschsprachige Page @ MySpace
Dran bleiben!
Kristina goes Big Band

Kristina will perform @ Winston Kingdom on 04-04-2009, not only with a new guitarist, but also with two backing vocalists.
Surprise, surprise!
Montag, 16. März 2009
Kristina Hanses Live @ Winston Kingdom Amsterdam

Live Performance
04-04-2009 21:00@Winston Kingdom
Warmoesstraat 131, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Cost: € 6
Montag, 9. März 2009
About Kristina Hanses (english)

A tall, blond swedish pixie that sees herself more as a goblin sometimes. Her songs range from happy-naive to mystic-melancholic. Her musical philosophy and her individual expression combine acoustic singer-songwriter styles with electronic elements – always interspersed with the unexpected - alien noises, creative sound ideas and spontaneous vocal experiments. Some lyrics are a figment of poetic imagination, while some words draw a very realistic picture of her being, turning her inside out. Kristina neither thinks, composes nor lives in just one direction, but in many directions and its extensions. Her songs have to find out for themselves if they are asking questions or searching for answers.
Kristina shows her creative inner conflict and her free spirit not only in her music, but also through her whole artistic path. She not only amazes as a musician but also with her superior skills in dancing. She performs the disturbing beauty of her contemporary dancing on stages all over Europe since 3 years. And this abstract power of contemporary dance comes to life in her music, too. Needless to say that her dancing, the movements and the physicalness are a strong inspiration for her songs. Each of them is always so much more than just music.
Infotext deutsch
Kristina Hanses @ MySpace
Kristina Hanses Infotext deutsch

Eine 1,85 große, blonde schwedische Fee, die selbst lieber ein Kobold wäre. Ihre Lieder mal fröhlich-naiv, mal mystisch-melancholisch. Ihre musikalische Philosophie und ihr ganz individueller Ausdruck vereinen dabei Akustik-Singer-Songwritertum mit elektronischen Elementen - immer durchsetzt von dem Unerwartetem, mit fremdartigen Geräuschen und kreativen Soundideen, mit spontanen Vocal-Experimenten. Ihre Texte sind teils poetische Phantasiegebilde, teils ganz realistische Dokumente ihres Selbst. Kristina denkt, komponiert, lebt niemals nur das eine, sondern immer auch dessen Gegenteil oder Ergänzung. Ihre Songs müssen noch für sich selber herausfinden, ob sie Fragen stellen oder Antworten suchen.
Kristina zeigt ihre kreative Zerrissenheit und ihr Zwischen-den-Welten-wandern aber nicht nur in ihrer Musik, sondern auch durch ihren künstlerischen Weg überhaupt. Denn sie erstaunt nicht nur als Musikerin, sondern auch durch ihre Karriere als Tänzerin. Die verstörende Schönheit ihrer Modern Dance Performances zeigt sie seit 3 Jahren auf Bühnen in ganz Europa. Und diese abstrakte Kraft des Modern Dance lebt auch in Kristinas Musik. Denn natürlich sind ihr Tanz, die Bewegung, das Körperliche eine starke Inspiration für ihre Songs. Jeder davon ist immer soviel mehr als einfach nur Musik.
Infotext english
Kristina Hanses @ MySpace