Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008

Review by MeBlind for Go Panic!

Authored by MeBlind

Go Panic! a new band

frontcoverGo Panic! is an interesting band from Germany

Or are they South-Africans? - who knows...
Their label Pink Orange Records is German and the download-page is U.K.
Check: Indiestore

The self-titled album "Go Panic! is produced by Andrew Cane entirely, who is a guitar-player and composer himself,.He has supported already bands like AC/DC with his own band "Cane".

Go Panic!´s homepage is a simple "One-Page" with just a link to the download store and the press-release.

Go Panic! releasing their lifeblood

I downloaded the album and i must admit it is true.

My favorite songs are:

"Waking Up", a great mixture of guitar rock and piano sounds.
"A Part Of Me", a straight forward radio-guitar-song which had already some success.
"Think About That", a almost classic rocker with strong lyrics.
"Suddenly It´s Over", if you lost your lover - it will help you to be really sad-seems to be inspired by Coldplay.

Visit also some other band pages:
Go Panic! /MySpace1, Go Panic! /MySpace2, Go Panic! Homepage

Here you can hear songs from their EP "Big Man". I recommend "A Part Of Me" which is also on the Album.
Buy Go Panic!´s music on Indiestore.

taken from: meblind.livejournal